Website about FooBar167 GitHub.

WebGL Cube

Click this link to show WebGL 3D cube

WebGL is using:
  1. Javascript programming language;
  2. basics of HTML and CSS necessary to start examples;
  3. glMatrix high performance vector and matrix math library.

Chaos game is a "fractal player" on Javascript

Control fractal drawing with your keyboard. Pause, resume, forward and backward the random fractal drawing with {Space}, →, ←, ↑, ↓ keys.
Turn on/off color mode with {1} and {2} keys. Black-and-white drawing is faster, but colored drawing is more beautiful.

Click this link and play "Chaos Game" on your computer.

WebGL. GPU for browser

Basics of WebGL.

WebGL rotating cube

Python examples from the Junkyard

Junkyard is a chaotic collection of test files, probes, hacks and ideas on Python programming language.
Perhaps there you'll find something interesting.

Manual image annotation with polygons

Fractals drawings

Many fractal drawings and " fractal player" inside.

Mandelbrot set

Ubuntu 18.04 neural network software

Ubuntu 18.04 instructions and articles emerged from everyday tasks about installation and configuration of the neural networks software and more.

Ubuntu 18.04
  1. Dictionary of frequently used commands
  2. How-to use Ubuntu operating system
  3. Move HOME directory to new HDD
  4. Python and modules installation
  5. Virtual environments
  6. Various software install
  7. Website software
  8. Nvidia driver and CUDA install
  9. TensorFlow installation
  10. Neural networks software
  11. Docker configuration and use
Updated periodically.

Введение в машинное обучение и искусственные нейронные сети

Brochure in Russian language about basics of Machine Learning.

Artificial neuron